Martial Ranged Activities Peerage 
On June 5, 2024, the Board of Directors of Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) Inc. approved in principle the addition to Corpora of a ‘pre-17th century ranged martial pursuits’ peerage.
The martial ranged activities encompass diverse activities and communities including archery, thrown weapons, combat archery, and siege weapons . Ahead of the opening of the new Order, We are looking for input from these communities and the populace of the East. We want advice and suggestions as to which individuals would best represent the community and East Kingdom as premiers of this new Peerage. 

* This form may be submitted multiple times for different individuals you see as worthy of recognition. 
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Your SCA name: *
What is your local group? *
What Orders do you belong to? *
Who would you recommend as a premier of the new peerage? (one individual per survey response)   *
Why are you recommending this individual to stand as a premier member of the new Peerage? *
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