The Sword & Shield, Journalism, Sign up Page
This form is for anyone interested in signing up for The Sword & Shield for the 2022-2023 school year.

This form alone does not equal admission to the class. The normal channels of class/elective selection and communication with MBHS' faculty and school counselors are still required.
Email *
Your LAST Name *
Phone Number *
What is your current grade level? *
Current English teacher. *
Choose all that apply:                                                                                                                                                                         What position(s) are you interested in with Sword & Shield? *
What would you consider your strengths in the area you selected above? *
Have you taken a class which covered journalism in any respect? Do you often read news or entertainment publications or websites? *
This is the part where we tell you and you acknowledge that this is a yearlong course which usually takes place during 7th period. *
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