Ambassador Sign Up
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The Cedar Hill Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors
What does an Ambassador do?
Ambassadors will be assigned 3 Chamber members each quarter, prioritizing new members. During that quarter you will connect with those new members at least 3 times - visit, call, and/or refer customers to that member.
You will be asked to attend Ribbon Cuttings for new members and attend at least one Chamber function each month. There will also be volunteer opportunities at large Chamber events.
Do you wish to become a Chamber Ambassador? *
Name *
First and last name as you would like it displayed on your name badge
Company Name *
Company name as you would like it displayed on your name badge
Position *
Business Address
Email *
This email will be shared with other Ambassadors and your assigned members.
Phone number *
This number will be shared with other Ambassadors.
Tell us about yourself
This short description of you will be shared with your assigned members. Share something you might want them to know - like the company you're with and a hobby.
Did someone recommend you become an Ambassador? If so, whom?
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