Commitments to Support Our Expansion Project
Breath of God Lutheran Church, and our school, The Highlandtown Preschool, have already purchased one house adjacent to our building, and are pursuing the purchase a second adjoining house, in order to expand our capacity for ministry here in Southeast Baltimore. In particular, we plan to significantly expand our preschool by opening classrooms for two year old students.

As part of this effort, we are soliciting pledges from friends and supporters of our church and school. We hope to receive commitments by March 1st, 2021, with a fulfillment of pledges by July 1st, 2021. If we are unable to purchase either property, donations already received will be returned. Checks can be mailed or dropped off at the office (141 S. Clinton Street, Baltimore, MD 21224). Donations (one time and recurring) can also be made online at Checks should be made out to "Breath of God Lutheran Church" with "Clinton Street" in the memo line.

Thank you for being part of our church and school community, and for being so supportive of our work in and for our neighborhood!

If you have any questions, please be in touch with Pastor Mark Parker at, or (443) 683-2582.
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I/we pledge a total of __________ to support this expansion project: *
I/we plan to fulfill this commitment by ________ date, and in ____________ manner (number of payments, method of payment): *
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