Discovery Form | See Together Media
Please fill out this form so we can get to know you and your project better. Once you've completed this form we'll call you for a short Discovery Call to discuss your answers and ask any clarifying questions. After that we can provide you with a custom proposal and quote. If any of these questions are not relevant to your project, leave them blank.

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Email *
Your name & role
What is the best way to contact you? (email or phone, please include email address or phone #)
Your company's / organization's name
Your website URL
What are your social media handles? (facebook, instagram, youtube, twitter, linkedin, pinterest, etc.)
What is the goal of your video?
Have you done any marketing now or in the past? What worked? What would you like to change?
How would you measure success when working with us?
Who specifically is your audience? (details: age, gender, interests, jobs, values, etc.)
What do you envision for your video? Do you have a sample video you could send us?
How open are you to us adding to or changing the concept?
What is the overall feeling you want to portray? How would you describe the campaign / video in one word?
Do you have a budget?
When is the ideal completion date?
How did you hear about us?
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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