Riding the Waves: Deepening Why  and the Opportunity of This, Now
6 Monday meetings from 5:30-7 PM Eastern,
Registration Deadline:  September 24th
First Meeting: Monday, September 28th
Suggested Fee:  $150*

*Reduced fees available to those impacted by the pandemic or unable to pay for other reasons.
Payment via Venmo (Maia Dery) or Paypal (maia@wavestowisdom.com)
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What is your name (in case it isn't obvious from your email)? *
How did you hear about this?
What can you offer to this group?
What would you like to get out of this experience?
Are there any books, videos, practices, etc. that you are finding useful or think we should be considering, given the unprecedented character of this time? *
Is there anything else you'd like Maia to know? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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