PLAYERS if you answer “YES” to questions 2 - 5, you are not able to participate in training or a game.
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Enter the soccer complex through the red flags using hand sanitizer as you enter the field complex
Wear face mask when leaving your car, covering both the nose and mouth, when walking to the field, restrooms and when returning to your car
Follow social distancing of a minimum of six feet between players on the way to and from the field
Do not share bibs, water or pick up equipment
Wash your assigned bib(s) after each training and bring to each practice
Only coaches can touch field equipment: cones, small goals, garbage can goals, boxes, flags, ball bag, medical kit
Players keep their soccer bags six feet apart in a designated area. When placing your bag, you can then remove your face mask
Players can’t exchange bibs during training
When moving large goals:  players wear face mask covering both the nose and mouth, maintain social distancing and use hand sanitizer after moving the full-size goals.
No high-fives, handshakes, hugs or elbow bumps
No throw-in’s
Use your personal hand sanitizer at each water break
Goalkeepers sanitize gloves after each use and use water to keep your gloves moist.
Goalkeepers Refrain from using your saliva to moisten your gloves.
Players use the yellow flags to exit the soccer complex and use hand sanitizer when exiting
Follow social distancing of a minimum of six feet between players on the way to and from the field

Players Name *
1a. Are you attending practice or a game today?   *
1b. If you answered NO to the above question, provide a short reason on why you were not able to attend practice or a game.  
2. Are you awaiting results for a COVID-19 test? *
3.  Do you live with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days or now is currently awaiting results for a COVID-19 test? *
4.  Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms consistent with COVID-19?   Fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell.  This list does not include all possible symptoms.  For the most current information, please refer to the WA State Department of Health, CDC, Local guidelines or contact your health care-provider. *
5.  Do you have a fever above 100.4 degrees F (38C)? *
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