<SoS> Recruitment form
Heya! Thank you for your interest in joining our lovely Raid team! Please fill out all fields below.

Times: Saturday/Sunday 7pm-9pm PST // Alt raid night is Wednesday7pm-9pm PST
Goals: Push AoTC and possibly push into mythic a bit if there is interest
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Your btag/discord username *
Are you 18+(we are an 18+ guild.) *
Main's name & server

Main class *
Main Role *
Alt role (in case a main role is filled out already(mostly for tanks and healers)) *
We require certain addons for raiding including Bigwigs/DBM, RCLootCouncil, and Weak Auras. Are you willing to use these? *
Discord will be required during raid and effective communication is big for us. Does this pose any issues? *
Do you have any logs that aren't on your main that you'd like to show us? If so you can place the link here! (optional)
Optional question. Show off anything game related you want here. Screenshots, achieves, UI, etc.
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