Next Steps Initiative
Kentucky Youth Advocates, JackBeNimble, and Play Cousins Collective are seeking to better understand and support the future educational needs of families with young children who have disabilities, developmental delays, or who may require special education services. Please help us by completing this short survey.
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Which term do you prefer?
Batalkan pilihan
How should we refer to children in the context of this work? *
Do you know of a family member we might invite to participate on the Next Steps Steering Committee? (We will meet monthly for 1.5 hours and will provide grocery cards to participants for each meeting as a thank you.) *
If yes, may we contact them about this opportunity or will you? *
If you answered yes to previous question, please provide family member's name and contact information.
Are you interested in being involved?
Batalkan pilihan
If no to the previous question, can you please recommend someone from your organization or another organization who may want to participate on the Steering Committee? (Please provide name and contact info.)
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