What's our idea?
We're creating a borrowing platform for outdoor gear (kayaks, surf boards, wetsuits, crash pads, tents, light weight chairs etc...).
- Lend an item and earn credit.
- Borrow an item and use credit.
Why are we doing this?
- We want to help reduce consumerism (we don't all need to own 1 of everything).
- We want to make the outdoors accessible (renting or owning costs a lot and takes up space).
- We want to build community (share goods and learn from others).
What's our goal?
To make borrowing the best option (easy, convenient, affordable).
Boring details:
- Lent items will be protected against damage or theft.
- Get peace of mind knowing that for someone to borrow from you, they have to be lending to others.
- Invite-only platform with robust profiles.
- Not another subscription - just a small fixed fee on each transaction (ex. $5).
- You want a Spikeball set and a volleyball net for a day in the park?
- A friend's visiting and you need an extra sleeping bag?
- You want to try surfing in Jordan River but need a surfboard and wetsuit?
- You want to do a bike packing trip across Vancouver Island?
- You want to go fishing?
- You need some more life jackets for a kayaking trip?
- You want to join your friends ski touring?
- You want to float around Gonzales bay on a SUP?
- Want to try some gear before committing to the buy?
Save money. Get outdoors. Make the most of life.
Join us, and let's get after it š¤š½
Rod & Matt