Experience: Barbados! Fitness Retreat 2025 Featuring: Chef Rob
In order to ensure you have the best experience possible, and make sure this is the Retreat you're looking for, please answer the following questions as best you can. Thank you!
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Name (First, Last) *
Date of Birth *
Email address: *
What are you hoping to get out of this Retreat? *
Where might you be flying from? *
Do you currently exercise? How would you describe your fitness level?
*We cater to all fitness levels
Do you have any dietary restrictions? *
Are you open to doing group activities? (Eating meals together, playing games etc.) *
Do you have any medical conditions we should be aware of? *
How did you hear about this Retreat? *
What questions do you need answered, before you can commit to this experience? *
Cane Vale Villa, Barbados!
Thank you from Armstrong Fitness!
We will be in touch shortly and look forward to sharing this amazing experience with you!
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