Foresight for Intergenerational Decision-Making
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Contact - email and/or WA (optional: you'll still get another chance at the end of the survey to give us your contact details if you found our project interesting)
Which region do you live in? *
Do you live in the same country in which you were born? *
How old are you? *
What is your current main occupation (you can chose more than one) *
What is your economic situation at your country-level? *
Which of them apply to your situation? (you can choose more than one) *
Youth and Futures

Take two minutes and imagine what your life could look like. What can you see from your window? What’s on the news? What does a normal day look like? What do you eat? Where do you live? How do people interact? 

After two minutes of visualization, answer the following questions:

In your vision of the future, do you live in a world which is currently worse or better than the world you live in today? (you decide what better means) *
In your vision of the future, what has changed the most? These can be either positive or negative changes in your future. (Choose max 2)
Now, how would you describe the image of your ideal future? (Max 2 sentences)
At what time scale did you project yourself? *
What are your main inspirations to imagine a brighter future? (Choose max 2) *
Do you believe it is easy to imagine brighter futures? *
If not, why? (Choose two reasons that seem more close to the one you think it explains your case or the young peoples' around you)  *
Would you accept doing something today if you knew it might be damaging for future generations? *
To what extent do you think that, as an individual, you have the capacity to shape the future? *
Do you think that the country and region you come from, or the community you're part of, have an impact at the global scale? How could your community, country, region shape the future? (Choose the affirmation closest to your feeling)  *
Youth and Decision-Making
How do you feel about young peoples' capacity to shape the future? *
What are the best ways for you and/or young people to actively take part in decision-making? (Choose max 2) *
How would you like to act and/or how should young people act besides these options? (Max 2 sentences)
With which actors do you think young people can discuss the future to have the most important impact? (Rank them from 1 to 6, 1 being the most impactful)
International organizations
Youth networks
Local authorities
Regional bodies (e.g. African Union)
Private sector
Clear selection
Have you ever participated in spaces of dialogue with decision-makers (e.g. local committees, as school/class representative, with managers/directors of an association, with the board of directors of a company, in international forums) *
What do you think were the main challenges in these spaces of dialogue with decision-makers? (Choose max 2 affirmation closest to your feelings) *
If you could create from scratch a space of dialogue with decision-makers designed by and for young people, what would it look like? (Max 2 sentences)
Do you think you and/or young people have enough information on the reasons that lead decision-makers to take decisions? *
What challenges should be tackled first so young people can better understand the reasons that lead decision-makers to take decisions? (Choose the closest affirmation to what you think) *
Thank you! We're almost there!
How do you feel about the future after this survey? *

Foresight for Intergenerational Decision-Making is an initiative of the Big Brainstorm, run by the Unlock the Future coalition which is convened by the UN Foundation. The Big Brainstorm brings together young changemakers from around the world to explore, prototype, and launch initiatives to tackle some of humanity’s greatest challenges. In 2023, more than 2,000 young people have signed up for the Big Brainstorm, with almost half of those young people proposing initiatives to accelerate action towards the SDGs. Twenty of those initiatives were selected, among which this one, as part of the Future Generations Action Group.

If you find the survey interesting, we’d love to hear more about what you’re doing to shape the future (max 200 words). Tell us, and we’ll contact you through your contact details. It might be a good occasion to partner! 
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Contact (WA)
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