Organik Festival 2022 Ticket 購票表單
-內含付款連結網址,完成付款後會收到付款確認 E-mail。
-若有任何問題請加入 Organik Festival Telegram 客服:
-知道更多消息請加入 Organik Festival Telegram 頻道:

- The payment link is included. Payment confirmation E-mail will be sent after completing the payment.
- If you make multiple payments, please ensure using the same name, E-mail, and number.
- If you have any questions, please contact Organik Festival telegram customer service:
- For more information, please join Organik Festival telegram channel:
-Tickets do not include campsite and parking lot.
- Camping and Parking:
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▲ 場 內 規 則 HOUSE RULES ▲

● 10月14日下午一點開放進場,請勿提早一日抵達,建議全程參與至最後一刻。We require all participants under age 18 to be accompanied by a legal guardian. Free entry for participants under age 12. Please prepare ID for inspection.

● 活動為露營音樂祭,若無訂購營位住宿須自理。  We are a 2 day camping festival. If you decide not to camp, you will need to sort out private accommodation nearby.

● 演出藝人如有變更,取消等不可預測之因素,無法接受退票。  Refunds cannot not be issued due to change in DJ lineup. It is subject to change due to cancellation or unforeseen circumstances.

● 雨天照常舉行。如遇颱風等天然災害,可全額退票(系統服務費、轉帳手續費,非屬票價部分不在退費範圍之內)。 We will open the festival rain or shine. Full refund is available if natural disaster such as typhoon occurs. Full refund does not include any extra fee outside of the full ticket price such as system service fee and transfer fee.

● 嚴禁攜帶酒水與須經明火烹飪之食物入場。 We prohibit bringing alcohol, water, and food that needs to be cooked.

For your own food supply, only solid food would be allowed such as cereal bar. 

● 嚴禁攜帶發電機、電磁爐、吹風機等高功率電子產品。Please do not bring your own dynamotor, induction cooker, hair dryer or any high-powered electronic devices.

● 會場內嚴禁明火。Open flames prohibited.

● 為維護自然環境,吸煙者請自備攜帶式煙灰袋。 To help maintain the natural environment of the campsite, we advise all smokers to bring their own portable ash tray.

● 會場內不供應電源,請多加自備行動電源。 Power supply is not available onsite. We advise bringing your own portable battery.

● 會場內僅有簡易醫療設備,重大傷害,緊急狀況等一切責任為自行負責。 We provide basic first aid device and assistance on site. Participants are responsible for their own safety, all major injuries, emergencies etc.

● 會場內外如有竊盜、物品遺失等狀況請自行負責,貴重物品請妥善保管。 Participants are responsible on site in the case of theft or missing items. Please look after your own valuables.

● 場內設備裝置如有破壞、毀損須照價賠償。 Participants are liable for compensation of any damage or destruction on site.

● 場內鬧事不聽從工作人員勸導者,加以驅離,不得退票。 Staff will remove any participants that create disturbance from the site. No refund will be issued.

● 主辦單位保有變更活動內容之權力。 We reserve the right to change any festival related content and activity.

● 購票視為同意以上所有條例。By purchasing a ticket, you are agreeing to our house rules listed above.

▼  購 票 規 則 NOTICE ▼

1. 退票規則:退(換)票應於演出日前20日;手續費10%,購買前請務必詳加考量避免事後爭議。Refund Rules:Limited to 20 days before the event with 10% service fee.

2. 若有任何形式非供自用而加價轉售(無論加價名目為代購費、交通費、補貼等均包含在內)之情事經查屬實者,將依社會秩序維護法第 64 條第 2 款逕向警方檢舉。Proven attempts to resell tickets at a higher price (regardless of justification such as purchasing fee, transportation fee, subsidization etc.) will be reported to the police under Social Order Maintenance Law Article 64, paragraph 2.

3. '本活動無實體票券‘,憑購票後所收到的電子票券入場(活動前一週內發送至填寫信箱),18 歲以下孩童需由法定監護人陪同,若需轉讓、退票請聯繫 Organik Festival 2022 Telegram官方客服: 。 Festival access through electronic ticket (sent via email one week prior to event start date). We require all participants under age 18 to be accompanied by a legal guardian. For ticket transfer or refund, please contact Organik Festival 2022 Telegram account at:

4. 系統服務費、轉帳手續費,非屬票價部分不在退費範圍之內。Full refund does not include any extra fee outside of the full ticket price such as system service fee and transfer fee.

5. 消費者必須以真實姓名購票及填寫有效個人資訊,一旦以虛假資料購買票券已經涉及「偽造私文書罪」,依照刑法第二百十條:「偽造、變造私文書,足以生損害於公眾或他人者,處五年以下有期徒刑。」 ,主辦單位有權利立即取消該消費者訂單。Ticket purchase requirements include real name and personal information. Purchasing a ticket using fake name and information is a Crime of Forgery, in accordance to Article 210. We reserve the right to cancel any ticket order in violation to our rules.
一般票 Regular Ticket  NT$3,900
一般四人優惠團票 Regular Group Ticket (Four people)  NT$14,800
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