Joy of Drawing Club : Chapter Interest Form
Consider starting a Joy of Drawing Chapter in your area or library hub, so that we can meet up and draw together.  Please fill out the information below and we will follow up with you.
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Email *
Your Name *
Contact Information (email, and/or phone) *
How interested are you in starting or participating in a Joy of Drawing Chapter?
Maybe later
Super Interested
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Which of the following regions in the bay area would you most likely attend meet-ups if they were available through a chapter in the local library? (Please check all that apply).
If there is already a Joy of Drawing Chapter in your area, would you like to be connected? *
Joy of Drawing staff will support each JOD Chapter by providing curriculum as needed, any written instructions, a slide show and video demonstration for each class. JOD will be on hand to help get the chapter set up and able to deliver these classes. Please let us know if you would be willing to provide any of the following support functions. 
Which of the following administrative functions would you be willing to help the chapter run smoothly:
The chapter will have a very simple organizing leadership structure of the following simple roles.  Please indicate if you would be willing to assume any of these chapter leadership roles to help get the chapter started:
Thanks you for filling out this questionnaire.  Please let us know below of any other areas of expertise you have that might assist us in getting a chapter established in your area.
How did you hear about us?
Anything else you'd like to add?
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