Please provide some information to solidify your application to the league. If you have any questions please contact Ely#8526 via Discord.
The league will have 16 teams competing for 6 playoff spots over an 8 week season and 3 week playoff. Please be prepared to commit to that length of time starting from the end of the draft.
This is a National Dex draft (cut moves banned) with a low tier tera captain. Additional information can be found on the league document, available all on the discord server.
The targeted start of the draft will be Friday May 12, subject to change if needed.
Season Zero's winner will be awarded a cash prize of $30 USD via PayPal or CashApp. Feel free to message with any concerns regarding these methods of payment.
Be advised you must be a member of the Discord server and follow the rules therein in order to participate in the league.
Server Link: