Car ownership in gen-z
‼‼ These results will be quoted in an article to be posted on Sinar Daily-- accompanied by the names, ages and occupations of the willing participants of this survey.

Answer "N/A" to any questions that are inapplicable to you. For the questions that are applicable-- please answer in as much detail as possible.

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Please enter your full name, as shown on your IC. *
Please enter your age as of 2025. *
What is your occupation, as of 2025? *
Do you own a car? (hand-me-downs excluded) *
If you DON'T own a car-- what responsibilities/commitments are inhibiting you from purchasing a car? *
What reservations do you have surrounding car ownership that are preventing you from purchasing a car? (concerns about cost, environmental impact, etc.) *
What travel alternatives do you use, if any? *
Why do you prefer these travel alternatives over car ownership? *
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