Startup Bootcamp Application - Silicon Valley Italian Hub
By filling this form you are applying to the September 19th to 23rd (+ 26th to 30th) Startup Bootcamp program organized by the Silicon Valley Italian Hub in Menlo Park, California.
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Your name and last name *
Email address *
Linkedin profile *
Company name
If you don't have a company just insert the name of your project or leave blank
Describe what your company/project is about in 50 characters or less *
Drop here the link of any material you might have that can help us understand better your company/idea (a pitch deck, a video, a one pager, a Notion, everything works)
Are you part of the Silicon Valley Dojo community? *
Do you confirm you are applying to the September 2022 Startup Bootcamp @ Silicon Valley Italian Hub in Menlo Park? *
Are you interested in applying for the 1 week program or the 2 weeks program? *
Do you allow us to use your email address for follow up? *
The information we collect from you is meant for Lombardstreet Ventures and Silicon Valley Italian Hub internal use only and will not be shared with third parties. We ask for your email address so we can contact you for the follow up. Here you can find our extended privacy policy:
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Este formulário foi criado em Lombardstreet Ventures. Denunciar abuso