Mod Application Information
Mod application template created by --- 
Owner: GucciTheMod // Collaborators: Gotsh0cks & Boeska

Thank you for showing your interest in applying to be a mod!
Please answer the following questions to the best of your abilities~
Your application will be assessed based on the team's current requirements and necessities. We will reach out to you if you've been accepted.

[What does a mod do?]

Being a cornerstone to your streamer's security, some tasks you may find yourself doing as a mod include:

- Directing viewers to links/places to find info they are seeking about the streamer
- Familiarizing yourself with bot commands and using them accordingly
- Properly dealing with rule breakers and those that are harassing the streamer
- Participating in community building, helping to maintain a desired community culture, and helping your streamer develop as a content creator. *i.e.; clipping parts of the stream that are funny/cute/etc. for easier content creation*


All mods are volunteers. You are choosing to be a mod with your own time and energy. You will not be compensated in any way nor should you expect any benefits from the streamer you mod for. Because this is a volunteer role, streamers should not be expecting you to be there 24/7 as your IRL is priority.  If you feel that you can no longer remain as a mod due to external conflicts, please let us know!


Please answer the Twitch related modding questions in section four to the best of your ability, they still will be helpful to see your modding perspective.

[What do mods do?]

-Making sure all server rules are followed.
-Helping new members w/ joining process.
-Assisting server members via tickets.
-Helping with community night hangouts.
-Communicating with Riinah regarding any server issues, suggestions, etc.
-Participating in community building and helping to maintain a desired community culture.
I have read the above statement and acknowledged what I am signing up for. *
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