Interest Form for Attending in the 2023 SPD Graduate Student & Postdoc Fair
Date: Monday, November 13, 2023
Grad Fair Time: 9 am - noon US Pacific Standard Time (5 - 8 pm UTC)
Postdoc Fair Time: noon - 2 pm US Pacific Standard Time (8-10 pm UTC)

Please provide this information for our records. We will send more details as the Fair gets closer!
Thank you very much,
-The Solar Physics Division Committee
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First Name *
Last Name *
Your email contact information *
We will only use this information to contact you regarding details about the event. 
What is the name of your current institution?
I am a current ____. *
How did you hear about the SPD Graduate Student & Postdoc Fair? *
What are you hoping to get out of this event?
Tell us a little about yourself and your academic/career goals!
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