Welcome to Monumental VBS!  
**Please fill out a form for each child.  There should be a link at the end to submit another response.**

This year, Vacation Bible School will be July 11 through July 15.  We will meet from 5:30 -8:30 pm.  Pre-K through 5th grade students are invited to register as participants.  Pre-K students should be potty trained and able to leave parents without trauma (or have someone who is willing to stay with them).   If older children would like to participate as helpers or if you have any other questions, please call Pastor Gabriel Hilleson at 815-901-2959.

**We are offering an optional early pick up for our Pre-K participants who would benefit from a shorter program or are not used to staying up so late.  If you choose early pick up, your child will participate in group singing, Bible, games, and dinner.  Early pick up is at 7:00 pm.  If you change your mind and want your child to stay for the full time, just let us know at the registration table when you drop off your child.  

 We look forward to a week of fun and learning with your child!
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E-mail *
Parent's Name(s) *
Parent's Phone Number *
Can we text you at this number? *
Parent email address *
Emergency Contact Number (if parent not available) *
Name of Child *
Grade of Child in the fall *
Child' shirt size
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Does your child have any food allergies?  Please specify below. *
Who has permission to drop off and/or pick up your child from VBS?  (If you need to make a change, you can let us know that evening at drop off.  We just want to make sure your child goes home with the right person!) *
If your child is in Pre-K, will you be utilizing Early Pick-up? (7:00) You can always change your mind if you want your child to stay the entire time.
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We want your child to feel safe and welcomed at VBS.  Are there any concerns or special needs you would like us to know about?
Pictures will be taken throughout the week for a slideshow on Friday evening and for use on our church's Facebook page.  Do we have permission to use your child's photo? *
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