WOSS Learning Commons Suggestions
We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve your experience in our new learning commons space!
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Email *
Please select the category that best describes who you are: *
Visiting the Learning Commons
How often do you visit the Learning Commons? *
What time of the day do you typically visit the Learning Commons? *
What usually brings you to the Learning Commons?  Please select your top 2! *
Which of the following skills would you like the teacher librarian to help you with (please select your top TWO choices): *
Our Physical Space
We just did a major renovation to our physical space but we are always looking to improve.  What would you like to see added to our Learning Commons?  Check all that apply! *
We are in the process of designing an Innovation Station for our Learning Commons.  This would be a space for hands on, creative learning!  What  kinds of activities would you like to see in this new space? *
Do you have any other suggestions to improve our physical space?
Our Resources
We are always looking to update our resources available to you in the Learning Commons.  What types of resources would you like to see more of? *
Is there a specific book that you would like to see at your WOSS library?  If so, list it here and include the Title, Author(s), Fiction/Non-fiction, and your thoughts on the book.
How do you typically access our website? *
We are in the process of updating our virtual library.  What are the top 2 things that you would like to see included in our website? *
What social media platforms do you use most frequently? *
Please check all that apply
Are there any other tools, apps, computer programs or databases that you would like to see added to our virtual space?  Please list any suggestions here.
On a scale of 1 to 5, how well do we meet your needs in our Learning Commons? *
Do you have any other suggestions or comments on what we can do to serve you better in our Learning Commons?
Thank you for your feedback!
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