Physics Learning Assistant (LA) Application Spring 2022
The Penn State physics department is recruiting undergraduate Learning Assistants in PHYS 211, 212, 212M, 213-214, 237, 237M, 250, 251, 406 and 419.  Fill this form to apply! Do make sure to adjust your schedule to be able to attend the lectures.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
First and last name *
Psu email address *
(such as
What course do you want to work with as a Learning Assistant? Please select the specific lecture time you will be attending. *
Are you a new or returning LA? *
If you are a returning LA, what course did you previously work in?  If new, please leave answer blank.
If you are selected as a LA, you will be provided with instructions on how to register for SC220 (training for new LA) and SC240 (a credit for the LA work).
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