Survey on Cancel Culture in British Society
This short survey is part of a research paper for an anthropology college course. All information confidential.
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Alexis *
Do you currently live in Britain (or have in the past six months)? *
For this survey, "cancel culture" means: withdrawing support, or criticizing a person or entity for offensive, or deemed offensive behavior". Are you in favor of cancel culture? *
What effect, positive or negative, do you think cancel culture has on society? *
Do you feel comfortable expressing ideas that are contrary to mainstream thought? *
Do you feel that speech is overly restricted, be it by peers or the government? *
Do you feel it is more or less difficult to have share your opinion in conversation than five years ago? *
Do you feel freedom of speech is being infringed (unfairly limited) upon? *
Do you consent to the use of your first name in my research paper? (Will NOT be published.) *
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