Parent & Student Concerns
This form exists to assist parents and students in the virtual environment & the in-person environment. If you have any concerns, issues, problems, complaints, or technical issues, please fill out this form and a staff member will get back to you within 24 hours. Please note that it is important that you select the correct category so that we can get back in contact with you promptly.

If you request the Principal to respond immediately, please select the Principal.

This form is checked twice daily by the Principal. If you do not get a response to this form within 24 hours, please email the principal directly at: or text him at 912-755-0806.
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I want my concern to go to the following person (Please select the correct person for the fastest response): *
What does this concern/issue regard?
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How do you wish to be contacted? *
If you have a particular time you wish to be contacted, please state below:
Parent Name (First, Last). *
Parent Phone Number *
Parent Email Address *
Student Name (First, Last) *
Please state your concern: *
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This form was created inside of Savannah Chatham Public School System.

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