Irish Aid Centre
Booking form
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
이메일 *
School Roll (Essential)  *
Mobile Number (ESSENTIAL)
(You will be sent a text message to confirm your booking 3 - 5 days before it is due to go ahead) 
Overview of our workshops in the Irish Aid Centre
Contact Name *
School Name and Full Address
(please include the Eircode)
Which type of workshop would you like? *
Number of students in your group *
Students Year / Subject Class *
Dates/times you have in mind - please give at least 2 options ( centre workshops run from 10-11.30 and 12-1.30 daily, online workshops are more flexible) *
*ONLINE WORKSHOPS ONLY* Which workshop would you like your class to take? They are both the same length
*ONLINE WORKSHOPS ONLY*  meeting platform used by school. We can provide a zoom link if allowed by school
*ONLINE WORKSHOPS ONLY* Will students have access to a smart phone or tablet during the session? (we use mentimetre through the students smart phones/tablets to make the session interactive - written exercises, polls, quiz etc.)
Are there any additional needs in the group? Or any other information you feel we should know. *
Do you have any questions about the workshop?
Where did you hear about us?  *
Would you like to be contacted by email with offers of future workshops from the Irish Aid Centre? *
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