Comic team application form
An application to join the comic team. We're a very laid-back team, and the work is not demanding. The application form will be kept open even if I'm not actively looking for anyone, so if you want to work on a project with a bunch of idiots, feel free to fill the form whenever. All the details of the position are negotiable, including pay, amount of communication, and expectations. I am also willing to offer a UNPAID position for people with no experience, who want to build their portfolio and gain said experience.
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Preferred Name/Alias *
Email *
Social media handles *
Do you have experience with comics/social media/writing? *
Tell me about yourself!
What is your time zone, and what language(s) can you communicate in?
How would you handle a high pressure situation with a deadline or conflict? Please keep your answer to 20-150 words.
What kind of position would you enjoy the most?
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That's it! End it off with a joke :)
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