Flower Essence & Herbal Magik Assessment 

Please complete this form to provide the details needed to personalize your session. Once submitted, I will carefully review your responses and email you soon with details about scheduling your session. If you have any questions, you can contact me at aloha@naomilove.org. Thank you for taking this step in your journey—I’m looking forward to working with you!

Email *
Full Name  *
Email *
Pronouns *
Date of Birth *
Please provide your phone number, including the country code and area code. *
Shipping Address *
Do you have any experience with meditation or journey work? If so, share below.
Have you worked with Flower Essences, Herbal Medicines, or Vibrational Medicine before? *
What specific intention or intentions do you have for this session? *
Have you had previous experiences working with plant allies?
What challenges are you currently facing in relation to your intention? What obstacles do you perceive are hindering you from achieving the desired results? *
How long have you been experiencing this pattern? 
Have you observed how this pattern may intersect with or influence other areas of your life? *
Are you allergic or sensitive to alcohol, or are there any reasons why you cannot consume alcohol? *
Are you aware of any specific plants to which you have sensitivities or allergies? *
Anything else you would like me to know before our session? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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