The Circle membership renews on an annual basis aligned with the calendar year. Please complete this application in November-December for the upcoming year. Invoices will be issued soon after, and once paid, we will confirm your membership for the year ahead. We appreciate you continuing on this journey with The Circle.
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Organization *
First Name & Last Name *
Title *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address: *
Secondary Contact First & Last Name *
Secondary Contact's Title
Secondary Contact's Email Address *
Please list the name and email address for invoicing, if different from the primary contact listed above.
What type of organization are you? *
How has your organization engaged with The Circle in the past year? *
How does your organization currently contribute to or work with Indigenous organizations and/or communities? *
Please provide any updates related to changes in your organization, grant making, and/or priority funding areas: *
Do you have Indigenous peoples on your board, staff, or grant adjudication? *
Please elaborate on Indigenous representation within your organization. *
What do you hope to gain, learn, or activate with your Circle membership in the year ahead? *
Has your philanthropic organization signed the Canadian Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change? *
View the climate commitment here:   
Which membership category would your organization qualify for? *
For organizations without endowed assets, we invite you to base your membership rate on the most recent amount of your annual giving.
Additional comments or information:
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