Online Alpha Sign Up
Alpha is a series of eleven sessions that explores life, spirituality and the Christian faith in a fun and non-judgmental environment.

Whether you're just checking it out, new to faith, exploring spirituality or just want to make some new friends, you are invited.

SIGN UP | Complete the form below to sign up for Online Alpha
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
First Name *
Surname *
Email Address (We will send you a reminder email with all the details) *
Preferred Contact Number *
Area of Residence *
Age (Helps us allocate groups with similar demographics) *
How would you describe where you are on your spiritual journey? *
What made you decide to register for Online Alpha Olive tree? Please choose the option that is most applicable: *
Any special request? (Eg. A friend invited me and I wish to be in their group)
We will do our best to honour your request!
Would prefer to do alpha in person and who would want to do it online?
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