Coaching Interest Form
Before we begin our journey together, let's share a bit about ourselves. I will go first ;) 

(We will elaborate in our Free Discovery Call if needed!)

Here I go:
I'm Dr. Katie T. Larson, PhD and the founder of GrowthQuests. The reason I say "Let Yourself Unfold" is because I think we are constantly unfolding into a deeper and truer version of ourselves as we Grow. 


Almost 20 years ago I was a field biologist and a high school science teacher in Chicago, but I always knew I was meant for more out in the bigger world. So I made some big life changes (like quitting my jobs, selling all my belongings and moving to Spain!) and this led me to continue to even more moves around the world (South Africa, Singapore, Cambodia, Hong Kong). With each move I made, I was doing A LOT of soul-searching...

That soul-searching led me to some far out inner-spaces (metaphysical experiences) which reminded me of who I really am (and what I came here to do). And soon, I remembered how to align to a super-tuned-in "Higher Self" who I trusted more than anything. 

I never changed over night, but with each Growth-spurt (those difficult versions of Growth we all hate, but actually transform us) I began to trust my Higher Self's insights: into my life's purpose, my soul's contracts with others (there are a lot!), and how to actually live the life I planned before birth (even if I sometimes drag my feet while I do it too!) -- and believe it or not-- you have all these too!

That life I planned -- by the way -- brought some even cooler experiences like earning a PhD in Transformative Learning, certifying as a Depth Coach, Spiritual Emergence Coach, Transpersonal Wellness Coach and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist (and I have two kiddos to boot!). 

Basically- my job is to help YOU go through all the Growth experiences that I constantly put myself through :), so I resonate with any struggles you may have. :)

I am also a Highly Sensitive Person, Empath and Intuitive who helps others like me recognize: these are gifts (!), and we can and should flourish unapologetically in a world that's not really built for us. Everything I have learned on my journeys in the physical and metaphysical world are shared in my "Quests" for clients -- which are often described as a "scavenger hunt for your soul".  

No two Quests are alike, but every one is sacred, special and life-changing. So, let's explore together... 

Now, tell me more about YOU:
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Email *
What brings you to GrowthQuests? What are your main concerns at the moment? *
Which metaphor does your personal landscape look like at the moment? (e.g. "A desert--dry and arid", "A typhoon-- raging and chaotic", "I'm lost in a forest", etc.) Why? *
Are you a Highly Sensitive Person, Empath or Intuitive? What is your relationship to that side of you? *
How would you rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of your life?
The areas you feel least satisfied by are usually the areas you are ready to GROW in!
Career *
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
Emotional Well-being *
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
Relationships *
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
Family *
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
Social Life *
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
Personal Growth *
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
Spiritual/Sacred Practice *
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
FUN! *
Not at all satisfied
Very satisfied
If your 8 year old self saw your current life now-- what would they be most surprised by? *
What aspects of your journey are most difficult to navigate at the moment? Why?
What does your ideal future look like? *
Is there anything else you would like Dr. Larson to know before your session? *
Name: *
Thanks for the introduction. I look forward to working with you and you will hear from me within 48 hours. Dr. Katie T. Larson, PhD
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