Stone County Animal Advocates Vet Care Fund Application 
Please complete the form below if you live in Stone County and need vet care financial assistance. Funds & resources may be limited and not all applications will be approved. Financial assistance will be directly paid ONLY to the approved veterinary clinic for APPROVED vet services. Money will not be given directly to applicants. Please allow 24-48 hrs for a reply. Once an application has been submitted please add yourself to the Stone County Animal Advocates Facebook page and message our admin that your application has been submitted. 
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First & Last Name  *
Facebook Name  *
Email Address *
Home Address *
Are you sure you are a Stone County resident?
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Please list name, breed, weight, gender, and age of animal(s) needing assistance. *
Please describe in detail what vet services are you seeking for each animal (spay, neuter, rabies shot, other vaccinations, illness or injury). 
How did you become this pet's owner? *
Date you took ownership of this animal(s)   *
Did you post the animal to Leigh’s Lost and Found Facebook page IF found as a stray or suspected of being dumped? *
Does the animal have a microchip?  *
Would you like them to be microchipped? 
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Has the animal ever been seen at a vet? If so, which vet clinic, address, and phone number?  *
Please send any vet records to
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Do you need assistance with transportation to the vet?  *
Do you understand that not all applications will be approved for assistance?  *
  What was the cost of vet services you were unable to afford?  *
Is there a lower amount you can afford to pay towards the vet bill?  *
How did you hear about the vet care fund through Stone County Animal Advocates and Rescue?
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