Sign-up Form
Event Date: 8 Apr 2022 (6:30pm call time for performers, doors open at 7:30pm, show starts at 8pm)
Event Address: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
Contact with any questions.
Deadline to sign up is Monday, 4th April.
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Name *
Email *
Type of performance (i.e. dance, comedy, juggling, magic, etc.) *
Approximate length of your performance (in minutes) *
Equipment needed (select all that apply) *
Any additional information you can provide will be very helpful in planning the running order! For example, do you have a 'stage name'? Will you be performing on your own or with other people? Will you be bringing props that need to be stored backstage? *
I understand that I must arrive by 6:30pm for a sound check and run-through. *
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