DigiStation Guidelines and Participation Liability Waiver

In consideration for the use of the Floyd County Library’s DigiStation, I agree to the following terms:

1. My usage of the DigiStation will adhere to all of the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy of the Library’s Internet Access & Electronic Equipment.

2. Appointments to use the DigiStation are 2 hour appointments once a week. Before utilizing equipment, I will participate in a mandatory orientation.

3. No food or drink is permitted in the Indiana Room at any time.

4. I will utilize individual equipment guides for further guidelines and safety information for my material and equipment.

5. This space is provided to promote creativity, innovation, and technology education.  The Library encourages individuals to learn new skill sets in this space, but does not promote running cottage industries due to extensive use and wear and tear on community equipment.

6. The library maintains the right to discontinue the use of and delete materials digitized with the DigiStation if the patron violates the library’s policies.

7. Library equipment cannot be removed from the Indiana Room for any reason.

8. Patrons must have valid Floyd County Library library card to utilize the DigiStation. 

9. Patrons must have basic and advanced computer skills to utilize the DigiStation. The station is intended to be used by the patron on their own and not a service provided by staff. If you are unable to use the computer for digitizing, we recommend reaching out to a local digitizer like Video Kitchen or The Print Refinery for professional digitizing. 

This indemnification and hold harmless agreement shall include indemnity against all costs (including without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs), expenses and liabilities incurred in or in connection with any such claim or proceeding brought thereon and in defense thereof.

Note: You only need to sign in to save your progress. You can complete this form before you arrive for your appointment, or at the appointment. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
DigiStation Terms *
Personal Property *
Computer Skills *
Copyright and Intellectual Freedom  *
Storage Devices *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Library Card Number *
Date of Appointment *
Today's Date *
Type Name below to serve as Signature
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