2025 DelCo Pride Parade Application
Thank you for taking interest in participating in our inaugural Delaware Pride Parade. We want to provide supporters, organizations, and community group of the LGBTQQIA+ community with a platform to celebrate and join us in our first Pride parade. The parade route is approximately 1 mile in length with multiple spots for performances, etc. 

There are no floats or moving vehicles allowed in this parade. Hand-pulled carts are allowed.

The event will take place on Saturday, June 7th around Media, PA from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM. All participants are required to arrive by 11:15 AM at the latest. Late arrival will prevent the organization/group from participating in the march. We ask that all groups begin arriving at 10:30 AM at Barrall Community Park in Media.

Confirmation emails will be sent out on a rolling basis beginning on Saturday, April 5th. Once you receive a confirmation email, please make sure to check your email for future information regarding the parade logistics.
  • The Delaware County Pride Committee reserves the right to limit the number/type of vehicles and/or other entries in the parade.
  • 14 days prior to parade day, each group will receive an email designating the time and place of staging on the morning of the parade. Report directly to your assigned division at the specified time.
  • Participating in the Pride Parade for LGBTQQIA+ and Ally community groups, and non-profits is free!
  • Please note due to security costs, we will have to assess a fee to participate from community groups/non-profit: $50.00
  • We will be able to issue waivers on a case by case basis later in May. Please email us at contact@udtj.org if you have any questions.
  • Commercial/all for-profit businesses and political offices participating in this parade will be assessed a $100.00 entry fee. 
  • All participants are expected to abide by the 2025 Delaware County Pride Parade Guidelines.
  • No monetary solicitations are permitted before, during or after the parade (parade route included) on parade day.


Contact us at operations@udtj.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Priority will be given to LGBTQ+ owned and related businesses and organizations, as well as BIPOC and BIPOC LGBTQ+ owned and related businesses and organizations. However, any groups/organization that support LGBTQ+ inclusivity or is an ally to the community is welcome to apply as well!

The organizers reserve the right to decline any application for any reason such as related to capacity, logistics, and/or conflict with the mission of the festival. Any business related to the selling or the promotion of cannabis, THC, alcohol, or weapon-related services and products are prohibited from participating. All attendees and vendors must follow all Media Borough ordinances. 
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Are you an LGBTQ+ organization/group/business owner? *
Are you a BIPOC or women organization/group/business owner? *
Are you an Ally of the LGBTQ+ community? *
Ally = A member/group that is not part of the community but is an avid supporter of LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion.
Are you LGBTQQIA+ led? *
Are you women led? *
Please select what your org/group/business is *
Are you a BIPOC led group/organization or business? *
How many do you expect to participate from your group *
Please describe your group/function in the parade? *
Name of business/group/brand: *
Where is your group primarily located? *
Please list the City/Town, County, and State.
Name for the individual representing your group on June 1st, 2024: *
Pronouns for the individual representing your group on June 1st, 2024: *
He/him, she/her, they/them, etc.
Contact number for the individual representing your group on June 1st, 2024: *
Email address: *
Website or social media page: *
Does your group travel to other locations/events? *
If so, how does your group typically travel to events?
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Are you able to stay the entire duration of the event? *
Are you able to arrive by 11:15 a.m. at the latest to begin setting up your group in our parade line-up? *
Do you need anything in preparation of your arrival from us? *
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