5th International Conference "Contemporary Problems of Law & Economics" – Audience Registration Form
This is an audience registration form for the 5th International Conference "Contemporary Problems of Law & Economics".
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Email *
Alternative e-mail (optional)
Your (academic) title *
First name *
Last name (surname) *
Affiliation – represented (academic) institution
This field is optional.
Full residence address (street, house/building number and apartment number, city, postal code, country) – in English  *
Please do not omit any element of your address. While the event takes place online, the law makes it mandatory to collect *full* addresses of all participants (buyers of a service) for bookkeeping and tax purposes. Examples: || Romanowa 15/23b, Warsaw, 48-550, Poland || OR || Instytutska 9/15, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine ||
Telephone number *
Don't worry! We will not call you unless we absolutely have to for reasons associated with your participation in the conference. The conference will be held online and telephone contact might be helpful in some special instances.
Your e-maill address integrated with Microsoft Teams *
Important! A link to the online conference room will be sent to this e-mail address. Please make sure you have Microsoft Teams already installed and that the e-mail address below is integrated with it. It will not be possible to change the e-mail address indicated here to another one at a later date.
Which certificate confirming your participation in the conference do you choose? *
Please remember that you are responsible for any additional wire transfer costs (if such occur). We suggest choosing a digital certificate because (a) it is equivalent to the traditional certificate and (b) we are not responsible for certificates damaged in transit, even though we take necessary steps to secure them and use certified mail services. 
Postal address to which you'd like us to send your traditional paper certificate *
Paper versions of the conference certificates will be sent to participants within two (Poland) or three (rest of the world) months of the end of the conference, unless CFAS provides an earlier date on the Facebook event page. Please make sure that you will be able to collect the certificate at the address provided (it will not be possible to change the address for sending the paper certificate at a later date). If you have chosen the option of receiving an digital certificate, enter "not applicable" in the field below.
Would you like to receive a VAT invoice? *
Please notify us now that you would like to obtain an invoice. You will not be able to receive an invoice if you request it after making the conference fee payment. 
Information necessary to receive a VAT invoice – only if you answered "YES" to the previous question
Full name of an individual/firm/university, full address, NIP/TIN (tax identification number).
Where have you heard about the conference?
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Have you added yourself to our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/centerforamericanstudies?
This is voluntary but will help you stay up-to-date with our events and discounts.
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Statements *
1. Acceptance of the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy is necessary if you want to participate in the conference; 2. The decision to consent to receive promotional materials by e-mail is yours and fully voluntary.
Organizer of the conference / Personal Data Administrators
Organizers of the conference and Personal Data Administrators: Center For American Studies (TIN: 7811990247), Center For American & European Studies foundation (TIN: 7812019909) oraz Łukasz Bartosik Center For American, European & Global Studies (TIN: 7812015745).

Feel free to add yourself to our Facebook group where we will keep you updated with our events (https://www.facebook.com/groups/centerforamericanstudies).

If you have any further questions (including technical issues), please contact us. Thank you. We hope to see you during our other events!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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