Somatic Re-Storying Workshop | June 2 | Boulder, CO
Please fill out the below form to express your interest in participating in this workshop
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First/Last Name *
My pronouns are: *
My email address is:  *
Phone number: *
I identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community *
How did you come to hear about this work/workshop? *
Please share a little about what interests you about this workshop and what you might hope to get out of it: *
Please share a little about what kinds of supports you are currently engaged with to support your mental health and overall wellbeing?  *
If some tough stuff comes up for you at the workshop, do you have supports (such as psychotherapy or other healing practices) in place for after the workshop? If yes, please share more about these supports. If no, I'd love to connect with you to talk about what kind of support might feel good to you. *
Please list the therapy / coaching / healing modalities that you have tried in the past. What of these have been helpful to you? *
How do you feel about the group aspect of this process, where each person has the opportunity to be a protagonist in their own Somatic Re-Storying Structure, where group members are invited to play roles in each others'  Structures (there is no improvising, so everyone is fully supported throughout this experience), and each group member is invited to participate in the de-brief after each person's work? We also do preparatory work to support our nervous systems and bodies to be in space together as well as to offer energetic, verbal and physical support as needed/desired during structures. 
Is there anything else that you would like me to know or understand about you prior to the workshop?
The workshop cost is $225, will this be accessible to you or would you like to discuss sliding scale options? *
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此表单是在 Mariah Rooney, LICSW 内部创建的。 举报滥用行为