Bike Valet Services - Request and Quote Form
Thank you for your interest in hiring Bike Santa Cruz County to provide Bike Valet Services for your upcoming event!

Please complete this form so that we can better understand the Bike Valet parking needs at your event. Cost will be determined based on the duration of the event, staffing needs, special considerations and expected attendance. Once the form has been submitted, we will contact you via email regarding our staff availability and give you a quote for the services you have requested. Note: please be sure to submit this request at least 4 weeks prior to the event.

Event organizers are required to provide a mutually agreed upon space for the Bike Valet, and complete the Bike Valet Contract at least 2 weeks prior to the event.

** If you have questions prior to filling out this form, please contact **
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Event Coordinator Name *
Event Coordinator Email *
Event Coordinator Phone Number(s) *
Event Information
Event Name *
Event Date *
Event Start Time *
Event End Time *
Event Location (please be specific) *
Event Website *
Expected Attendance *
Expected Number of Bikes/Individuals to use Bike Valet Services *
Please provide an any additional information about this request that you feel will be helpful!
Thank you for your interest in hiring Bike Santa Cruz County for Bike Valet Services at your upcoming event! We will be in touch with you very soon!
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