Accelerated Heart-Blossoming 
This 1-on-1 program is designed to leverage your current life challenges as catalyst for the expansion of your consciousness and of your reality. 
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Are you willing to invest time and resources in yourself ? *
I only take 5 clients at a time.
I want to make sure you are ready to invest your time and your heart into this deep transformative process. 
The process requires three 1-on-1 sessions every month, inner inquiry, patience, journaling, sometimes readings, sometimes practices, and a great willingness yourself within with kindness.

Supporting you to create a fulfilling, purposeful and expanded life you love is my biggest reward.

The current investment is $833 usd/ month for the 6month and $962 usd/ month for the 3month program.
Full Name *
Email address *
What challenges are you currently facing? What are you looking to transform throughout this program? *
This may be one theme or a myriad of topics.. It can be as broad or as specific as you are currently aware of the situation.
How is your current social landscape (friends, family, work..)? *
Describe how open you are to others, how truthful and nurturing all your relationships are, how fulfilled do you feel by your relationships.
How is your occupational landscape? Do you feel fulfilled, inspired and energised with what you do? *
What is your current romantic relationship landscape? *
How is your physical health? What is your overall energy level? How is your sleep? Any chronic dis-ease or conditions? Any important medical history ? Are you on any medication? Any pace maker, prothesis, medical implants?  *
How do you wish to feel at the end of this program? what flavour does your life have? *
Where do you want to be even more liberated? Is there a character or archetype who holds some textures, qualities that you want even more of?  
What in your opinion, is holding you back from being where you want to be in your relationships (romantic, family, work, friendships)? *
If three specific things shifted in your life from working with me, what would they be?
Are you willing to step into discomfort and into the unknown throughout this process? *
As we dive into the process of self-expansion, we often open gates that we had unconsciously avoided - including our family dynamics, our relationship with our parents, our siblings etc... Are you willing to journey within ?
What excites you the most about starting this process together?
If you are a woman, please tell me about your moon cycle: are you on any birth control, is your cycle regular, is your cycle comfortable etc. *
Are you willing to make lifestyle changes if that comes up during our work ? 
The physical body is the ground upon which we built. If the body is filled with toxins and not regularly exercised (even moderate walking), the subtle bodies (mental, emotional etc) will be harder to regulate in our process. 
ex.: Working out, Meditation, Sleeping Schedule, Nutrition, Drinking & Drugs habits...
Are you willing to commit to a process of slowing down to allow self-awareness, of being completely honest with yourself, and taking full responsibility for your life, even if that can be uncomfortable at times? *
During this process, how much time daily do you want to invest in your self-practices, reflections, meditation etc. on average? *
There is no minimum required time. This is to get an idea of how much time available you will have for 'homework'.
When would you ideally like to begin? *
Please share your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth.
As a Gene Keys guide, this will allow me to analyse your chart and guide us through this process. If you aren't sure about the time of birth, you can share this information later.
Which program length would you like to commit to?
What is your preferred mode of payment? *
Do you need an invoice ? If you require an invoice, please provide the name of the entity or organization to which the invoice should be directed. *
Book your consultation call 
If you have not worked with Elina before (retreat, courses, 1-on-1...) please let us know 3 availabilities (including your current time zone) in the coming days so we can set up a 30min consultation.

Make sure to have all your questions ready! :)
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