Aviation High School Contact List
By completing this form, you are registering to receive emails regarding events at Aviation High School, such as Career Day, Commencement Ceremonies and job opportunities.  We promise that we will send you emails only occasionally.  Further, we do not share your information with anybody inside, or outside the Department of Education.  There is one optional question at the end of the survey that asks if you would like us to share your information with the Aviation High School Educational Foundation, https://aviationhsef.org.
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Last Name *
First Name *
Email *
Year of Graduation
Phone Number *
Street Address
Apartment Number
Zip Code
I allow Aviation High School to share the information I presented above with the Aviation High School Educational Foundation (Foundation).  The Foundation is a 501c3 organization who mission is to support our network of former graduates with the aim of bringing together like-minded individuals who in turn help to support the continued growth and success of our school. 
I allow my information to be shared with the Foundation. *
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