Advocacy Day: National MPS Society Capitol Hill Visits
The National MPS Society will host members on Capitol Hill to meet with Senators and Representatives to discuss legislation relevant to the MPS and ML community and provide an opportunity to share your story. Sign up below to join us in Washington, D.C. on Monday, October 2, 2023.

Attendees will be provided meals, lodging, and training through our Speakers' Bureau program. Virtual trainings will take place in advance of the meeting in Washington, D.C., with an in-person training session preceding the visits on Monday.

Complete one form for each member/advocate who will be in attendance.

Please email Amy at with any questions.
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First and last name
Complete one form for each member/advocate who will be in attendance.
Email address
Phone number
Residential Address
City, State
Zip Code
Disease type represented
Relationship to individual with MPS or ML
Are you attending the 37th Annual Family Conference in Bethesda, Maryland prior to the Advocacy Day?
Will you utilize Society-sponsored transportation (buses) from the hotel in Bethesda, MD to the hotel in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, October 1?
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