gNeuro - February 2023 Meeting
Dear Colleagues,

Please join us for the next meeting of gNeuro, a new initiative jointly sponsored by HBI and the Harvard Digestive Disease Center (HDDC) that aims to bring together scientists interested in the neurobiology of the alimentary tract.

This meeting features two great talks that are certain to spark lots of discussion about functional interactions between the nervous system and the gut. We welcome you to join the discussion! Please note the change to the speaker lineup.

Monday, February 6 | 4:00-5:15pm

Rachel Wolfson, MD, PhD (Ginty Lab, HMS)
DRG afferents that mediate physiologic and pathologic mechanosensation from the distal colon

Subhash Kulkarni, MD (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) 
Understanding aging of the enteric nervous system

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