Pre-screening Questionaire
Please answer all questions honestly to the best of your abilities!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Unit of interest: *
Phone No.: *
May we text you at this number? *
Desired move-in date: *
Are you currently in a lease? If yes, when does it expire? *
How many people are in your household? (adults and children) *
What is the primary reason for why you desire to move? *
Are there any animals in your household? If so, please describe each type of animal including size, gender, age, and whether they are neutered. *
What is the net monthly verifiable income of all wage earning adults living in the household? (income must be verified by pay stubs or tax returns) *
Where and for how long have you been employed at your current job? *
Does anyone in the household have a felony record? *
Are you currently being evicted or have you ever been evicted or given notice? *
If "yes" to above question, please explain circumstances:
When is the best day and time of the week to show you the apartment? *
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