Sixth Form Application Form
Thank you for your interest in joining Wickersley Sixth Form.

The minimum qualification for entry into Wickersley Sixth Form is five 4 grades at GCSE (or equivalent), including Maths and English. There are specific entry requirements for certain subjects, please see individual course pages or contact us for more information:

Applicants will need to have a proven record of good or excellent effort in Year 11 to qualify for a place, verified by a suitable reference.

Once you have applied, you will be invited to an interview with a member of the sixth form team to discuss your current effort, attainment and subject choices. If successful, you will be given a conditional offer to study with us, your offer will become firm once you have received your GCSE exam results, and you have enrolled with us in the Summer.

A student who does not achieve a grade 4 in their Maths and/or English GCSE will be required to resit these as a condition of their offer.

Further entry tests will be set in each subject in the first weeks of the course in September, this will be taken into account in assessing a student’s suitability for the course.

If you are already a Wickersley student, then there is no need to apply online. Speak to your form tutor for more information. All other students can apply online now:
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