Reserve Your Space: LNCQ Bus Trip to Missouri Star Quilts and International Quilt Museum
LNCQ is taking a 4-day, 3 night bus trip to Hamilton, Missouri, home of Missouri Star Quilts and then on the way home to the  International Quilt Museum in Lincoln, Nebraska.  Dates: August 26, 27, 28, and 29, 2024. We are looking for 45 members to attend in order to make the trip feasible. The itinerary, with what is planned to date, is on the website. Please reserve your space with a $100 deposit (which will be refunded if the trip is canceled). Estimated cost is $560, which includes the bus for the four days, three nights lodging, breakfast at the hotels, Behind the Scenes Tour at the International Quilt Museum with a Panera Lunch provided, plus a few extra goodies.

Deadline to Reserve Your Space:  June 15, or when all spaces are filled. 
Final details and costs will be posted ASAP, hopefully before the end of May.

If you have already submitted this form, but had trouble with electronic payment, please do NOT fill this out again, instead contact for help.  Submitting the form again interferes with the automatic shutoff mechanism that is based on the number of responses we've received.
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Are you a member of LNCQ?  
All participants must be members of the League of Northern Colorado Quilters to attend.
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