Suggest a work to litElat Anthology vol 2

We understand electronic literature as literature which is "born" in electronic media and appeals, with an artistic and literary purpose, to the interaction among multiple languages (such as verbal, aural, visual, programming, kinetic etc.)

Taking this brief consideration into account, use this form to suggest to litElat Anthology a work of electronic literature crated by yourself or someone else.

If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail:

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Correo *
Last name(s) *
First name(s)
Title of the work
Web address to access the work (URL)
Link or folder with additional documentation about the work.
Explain briefly the importance of this work to the field of electronic literature. 
List the name of the author(s) and their respective role(s) in this work.
Am I one of the authors of this work? *
Identify the origin (nationality, ethnicity, etc.) of this work's author(s) and collaborator(s).
Country and city of residence
Identify the country and city of residence of this work's author(s) and collaborator(s).
Year of publication *
Languages in which the work is available
Comments about the technologies used in the work (hardware, software, platforms etc.)
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