Starting Nursery Sept 2021
Dear parent,
I am delighted you have chosen St Bernadette Nursery class for your child. In order for us to start planning for your child’s start, it is helpful to know if your child has any needs that they are currently receiving support for, or if you are in the process of requesting support. I would appreciate it if you would complete the information below and submit it by Monday 7th June 2021. If there is anything on the form that you feel you need to discuss before your child starts, please contact me at and I will arrange a time with you to either phone or meet in person.

I look forward to meeting you at the induction meeting in June.

Miss Simpson (Assistant Head/EYFS phase leader)
Log masuk ke Google untuk menyimpan kemajuan anda. Ketahui lebih lanjut
Child's Name *
Child's date of birth *
Does your child have any of the following diagnosed special or additional needs?  Please tick the correct box or boxes: *
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Borang ini telah dibuat dalam St Bernadette Catholic Primary School. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan