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The Pedal Factory - 2025 Programming
Help choose the programs you'd love to see happen in 2025, and share any feedback to help us serve our community better! All survey responders will be entered into a raffle to win a new beach cruiser!
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The following programs most interest me: (choose all that apply)
Group bike rides for beginners
Group bike rides for intermediate and advanced riders
Mechanical Workshops (fix a flat, adjust brakes, etc)
Learn to Ride Sessions
Recycled Bike Parts Crafts
Bike Commuting Workshops
Overnights / Bikepacking Trip
Womens Programs (rides and workshops)
Kids Programs/ Camps
Volunteer Opportunities
Family/kid friendly bike rides and workshops
What days and times are most convenient for you to attend programming?
Weekday - Evenings
Weekday - During the day
Weekends - Mornings
Weekends - Afternoons
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Select the TWO MOST IMPORTANT when considering whether to participate in programs or the open shop at The Pedal Factory:
Accessibility (Location / Transportation)
Cost / Affordability
Schedule / timing
Relevant to needs and interests
Networking / Community Engagement / Meeting new people
Learning new skills
Please share any feedback, suggestions, or thoughts with us as we consider programming for 2025:
Your answer
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