Waiting list: Hard Ice 1: 12th - 15th of May, 2023
---This course is fully booked, registration for the waiting list is below----

Grunnþjálfun í jöklaleiðsögn tekur fjóra daga og fer fram á skriðjökli í Öræfum. Farið verður yfir helstu atriði jöklaleiðsagnar svo sem leiðarval, sprungubjörgun, ísklifur, samskipti við gesti og hópstjórn.

Gerð er krafa um grunnþekkingu í fjallamennsku og línuvinnu. Þessi grunnþekking getur verið, en takmarkast ekki við:
  • Menntun frá leiðsöguskólum
  •  Nýliðaþjálfun Björgunarsveita
  • Alhliða reynsla á jöklum og/eða fjalllendi

Ætlast er til þess að þátttakendur á Jökla 1 uppfylli grunnkröfur þegar kemur að þekkingu.
Grunnkröfur eru, en takmarkast ekki við:
  • Góður skilningur á notkun og tækni mannbrodda á hörðum ís.
  • Góð þekking og reynsla á sigi og línuklifri (júmmi).
  • Góður skilningur á uppsetningu og gerðum ankera með ísskrúfum.
  • Skilningur á dobblunum.
  • Grunnþekking og reynsla í uppsetningu á einfaldri sprunubjörgun.
  • Góður skilningur á og færni í notkun hlestu hnúta (að lágmarki: áttuhnútur, overhand, prússik, ítalskt bragð og hestahnútur).
  • Þekking á myndun og virkni jökla.
Ætlast er til þess að þátttakendur hafi persónulega reynslu af ferðalögum á skriðjöklum og almennum ferðalögum í fjalllendi.

Geta nemenda í helstu áhersluatriðum skv. námsskrá félagsins er metin á meðan námskeiðinu stendur. Uppbyggilegar og raunhæfar ábendingar eru gefnar af leiðbeinendum við enda hvers námskeiðs og eftir hvern dag sé þess þörf. Nemendur eru metnir á meðan námskeiðinu stendur í þeim tækniatriðum sem beðið var um í förkröfum námskeiðsins.

Grunnþjálfunin veitir rétt til þess að starfa undir merkjum AIMG á skriðjökli sem jöklaleiðsögunemi undir beinni leiðsögn aðstoðarjöklaleiðsögumanns að sumarlagi eða jöklaleiðsögumanns AIMG að vetrarlagi.

Þátttakendur sjá sjálfir um allt fæði, gistingu og samgöngur.

109.000 kr. (verður að vera greitt 30 dögum fyrir upphaf námskeiðis).

Umsýslugjald er 25.000 kr. og greiðist við bókun og fæst ekki endurgreitt.
Umsóknir eru ekki skoðaðar fyrr en að greiðsla umsýslugjalds hefur borist.

Forfall 30 dögum eða meira : 100% endurgreiðsla
Forfall 29-14 dögum : 50% endurgreiðsla
Forfall 14 dögum eða minna : 0% endurgreiðsla


This instructional course is four days and takes place on outlet glaciers in Öræfi. Main topics of this course are hard ice glacier guiding; route finding, crevasse rescue, ice climbing, communication with clients and group control.

Participant must have minimum experience in mountaineering and rope work. Minimum experience would be for example:
  • Graduation from guiding schools
  • Rescue team beginner program (two years)
  • General knowledge and skills in mountain and hard ice environments.

The participants should have good skills and knowledge when it comes to:
  • Good understanding of proper technique and the use of crampons on hard ice
  • Good knowledge and experience in abseiling and ascending a rope.
  • Good understanding of how to put up and use an anchor with ice screws.
  • Good understanding of and proficiency in the use of common knots (figure of eight, overhand, prussik, Italian hitch, clove hitch).
  • General understanding of pulley systems and mechanical advantage.
  • General knowledge and experience in how to rescue with a simple crevasse rescue system.  
  • Knowledge of the formation and behaviour of glaciers.
Participant should have prior personal experience of travelling on outlet glaciers and be experienced in a wilderness environment.  

Students will be evaluated throughout the course according to the course curriculum set by the Association of Icelandic Mountain Guides. Constructive and realistic feedback will be given by the instructors at the end of each course, and at the end of a given day if needed. Students will be evaluated during the course on all technical systems they were asked to meet in the course prerequisites.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to work on the outlet glacier as a trainee guide that has gone through AIMG training. You will be able to guide under a supervision from a Hard ice 2 guide during the summertime and a Hard ice 3 guide during the winter months.

Students are responsible for accommodation, food, and transportation.

Price: 109.000 ISK (must be paid 30 days before the course).

A booking confirmation fee of 25.000 ISK will be paid upon reservation and is non-refundable. Please note that applications will not be reviewed until the booking confirmation fee has been paid.

Cancelation 30 days or more : 100% refund
Cancelation 29-14 days : 50% refund
Cancelation 14 days or less : 0% refund

If you have further questions please contact aimgguides@gmail.com
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Email *
Kennitala / ID number *
Full name *
Phone number *
Personal email (not work) *
List up, in detail, how you fulfil the prerequisites for this course. - SEE ABOVE *
Please list your three most significant outdoor experiences prior to taking the course, with special emphasis on hard ice experience. 
These could be jobs you have held, expeditions or trips you have been on, hard ice training courses, etc. 
Please list any other first aid or outdoor certifications you have here.
Emergency Contact ( name, relation and phone number) *
I have read and accepted the Official AIMG Cancellation Policy - SEE ABOVE *
"I feel I fulfil the required prerequisites for the course AIMG Jökla 1 and understand that I am fully responsible for my own safety during the course. I will ask for guidance on all matters where I feel unsure or unsafe and I will speak up when I feel the personal risks of the course exceed my limitations and skills. I understand that the instructors can in no way be responsible and accountable for my safety on this course. My safety is up to my personal skills and judgment and is my personal responsibility"
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