Dear Families,

We are excited to invite you to our Summer Camp Open House that will take place on Sunday May 16th, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 12:30-1:30 PM at the Kings Bay Y main site - 3495 Nostrand Ave (Between Ave U & V), Brooklyn, NY 11229.

The Open House will include an animal show and an info session about our 2021 Summer Camp.

A few important items to note:

* RSVP is a REQUIRED. Space is very limited. Please make sure to list the names of all family members who will be in attendance.
* All participants must have at least one parent/guardian present during each activity time.
* Please choose the time slot that works best for you.
*Masks/ Face Coverings are required

For more information please contact -

Please complete this short survey to reserve a spot in the program-
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Please choose the time slot that works best! *
Full Name of Parent/ Guardian *
Full Name of Second Parent/ Guardian
Phone number *
Email *
How many people from your family will attend in total? (parents + kids) *
Name of child 1 *
Age of child 1 *
Name of child 2
Age of child 2
Name of child 3
Age of child 3
Name of child 4
Age of child 4
Name of child 5
Age of child 5
Name of child 6
Age of child 6
How did you hear about our Open House? *
Have any question? Write them here and we'll get back to you!
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