Zine Recommendations
Glasgow Zine Library has a collection of 3500+ zines, covering a wide variety of topics. We are always working to ensure our collection is as representative, interesting, and useful to our users as possible. This form is an opportunity for our community to suggest zines that we should purchase. If you would like to learn more about how we decide what to acquire, please read our Collections Policy.

You can also see what zines we already have by searching our online catalogue (note: this is still a work in progress, not all our zines are in the catalogue yet).

We purchase zines where possible as we strongly believe it is important to reimburse creators for their time and work, however our collections budget is limited so if you are interested in donating a zine you can do so by posting it to us or dropping it at the library when we are able to open again.

If you have any questions please get in touch at glasgowzinelibrary@gmail.com
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Please provide a purchase link to the zine you would like us to buy:
Did you create the zine?
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What is the main topic/theme of the zine?
What is the price of the zine?
Any other relevant information:
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